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Michigan Supreme Overturns False "Jury Tampering" Conviction
On a 5-2 margin, the Michigan Supreme Court has overturned the false "jury tampering" conviction against Keith Wood for sharing FIJA's Your Jury Rights: True or False? brochure on the public sidewalk outside the Mecosta County Courthouse.

New T-Shirts, Hoodies, and Tote Bags!
Give 'em a one-two punch of inspiration and information by wearing a new FIJA superhero t-shirt or hoodie while you hand them a FIJA brochure you've just pulled out of your new FIJA tote bag. Don't delay! Check out the new merchandise and get the details on the pre-order deadlines so you don't miss your chance at the styles and sizes you want.

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At the invitation of the Michigan Supreme Court, FIJA has filed an amicus curiae brief in support of Keith Wood's First Amendment-guaranteed right to share FIJA literature on the public sidewalk outside a courthouse.